Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gospel Musical Presentation and more

The gospel musical presentation is over! God blessed the presentation, and many of the children from VBS attended Saturday afternoon's program. We enjoyed singing psalms, hymns, and Christian songs, skit, testimonies, and other parts of the program, but it certainly took a lots of time to put it together!
Yesterday (Lord's Day), we had the privilege of attending Pastor Babu's church in rural Warthur village on the outskirts of Bangalore. Many of the VBS children, seminar attendees, and gospel musical attendees came from this church, so it was a blessing to see these brothers and sisters again. My father preached on 1 Corinthians 12 there, and Pastor Babu translated into Kannada. It is a blessing to see how God is growing the people in that church.
Today, the seven young people on our team went to the Forum Mall. After lunch at the Pizza Hut (Pizza Hut here is very different than in the US - we think they're better here), we did some shopping at some local department stores. This week we are planning to do some visitation to some friends of the church, and Thursday and Friday we will head to the town of Mysore, another main city in Karnataka, for a brief excursion. We will be taking a train, and those of us who have previously traveled on trains here will tell you that it can be quite a scenic as well as fun method of transportation!
As far as prayer requests, here are the main ones:
-That God would bless our remaining time in the country, and that we would use the time wisely and for His glory
-That God would give us a safe train travel to Mysore, and that we would be examples of Christ to Asha's cousin and her family

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